NYU Agile Robotics & Perception Lab
Robotics Lab

NYU Agile Robotics & Perception Lab

The fundamental and applied research in the area of robotics autonomy aim to create agile autonomous machines.

  • Date: August 2022
  • Role: Robotics Research Scientist
  • Skills: ROS, ROS2, OpenVINS, VIO, UAV, C++, Photogrammetry, Jetson, Path Planning, Trajectory Planning

As a Robotics Research Scientist at the NYU ARPL, my role involves being a key contributor to the UAV Autonomy pipeline, especially in Perception, Planning and SLAM. The lab’s primary focus is on developing autonomous and agile UAVs.

Responsibilities and Accomplishments:

  1. Autonomous UAV Pipeline Development in ROS2:
    • Collaborated with a team of PhD researchers to develop a UAV Autonomy pipeline in ROS2 C++.
    • Implemented quadrotor geometric controller, RVIZ-based simulation, trajectory generation module, and trajectory tracking algorithm.
    • Developed a ROS2-based VICON tracking and localizing package.
  2. Modification & Deployment of OpenVINS VIO on UAV platform:
    • Customized the open-source VIO algorithm, OpenVINS, to handle platform vibrations and feature loss effectively.
    • Optimized the VIO algorithm for our specific use case on the UAV RACE platform.
    • Deployed the modified algorithm on NVIDIA Jetson boards, utilizing approximately 70% of the computation power for reliable UAV performance.
  3. UAV Autonomy Pipeline for NIST UAS First Responder Challenge:
    • Engineered a customized UAV autonomy pipeline for the NIST UAS First Responder Challenge.
    • Addressed competition-specific requirements, including localization, mapping, control, GUI, and navigation.
    • Contributed to NYU’s participation in the prestigious NIST UAV First Responder Challenge, showcasing an advanced autonomous stack and achieving recognition in the competition.